The Small Things to Appreciate in Self Isolation

Image via @lukeedwardhall

Image via @lukeedwardhall

The First Coffee of the Day

This has always been important for many, but there is something to say of using a delicious morning coffee to establish a routine, wherever you are. To get up, look forward to those first sips, and reflect on the day ahead and the things that need to get done. It is also a good moment to reflect on what you are grateful for and perhaps read some positive news, or spend a few minutes looking at your favourite blog or website. I drink mine with foamy oat milk and it is definitely one of my favourite things to do, any day or any time of the year.


This is a glorious time of year; watching the trees unfurling their leaves and slowly turning green whilst flowers go from small buds to full blossom is a timeless joy for all. It is also a reminder that whatever is going on in the world we always have nature, and the seasons will change no matter what. That each state is temporary, nothing is permanent and that this too, shall pass. I marvel at shaded woods where wild garlic grows, cow parsley reaching out along country lanes, tulips in rich pinks and purples that have suddenly sprung up, lilacs filling the air with its soft floral scent and the tiny white bells of Lily of the Valley, that seemed to pop up in the garden overnight. Wherever you are, whether it be in a city park full of cherry blossom or a bluebell wood, stop and take in spring in all its beauty.

Time to Read

Reading more is always on top of my list, but a hectic life (and Netflix) sometimes makes it more difficult to reach for a book at the end of the day rather than your phone. But now is the perfect time to revisit an old favourite or to pick up one of the books that you have been meaning to read. It is such a treat to escape for a moment and be able to explore a new different world through somebody else’s words. Alternatively, there is a familiar comfort to be found in stories you have already read and almost know by heart. I love picking up a Nancy Mitford novel for the acerbic wit and comedy, as well as to escape to the lives of the ‘Bright Young Things’ in the years in-between the two wars. Lately I have also read the Grace Coddington biography Grace, as well as Alexandra Shulman’s Inside Vogue, both very interesting as well as entertaining.


I’ve never been much of a Masterchef or star baker, neither have I felt much of an urge to perfect these skills. Now, however, I feel curious to try new recipes as well as share them with others as well as the other way around. Cooking a meal from someone else recipe can make you feel closer to the people you can no longer share meals with. Leaving a batch of homemade biscuits outside your friends front door is a small act of love, proudly placing a roast chicken on the table and sharing a meal with people you care about could possibly be one of the most important things in life. I guess I have finally figured out what cooking is all about - sharing it with others.

6pm Cocktail Hour

Last but not least - the humble cocktail hour has been reinstated as the most important time of the day. This is the moment I look forward to the most and not because of the alcohol (although it helps). As we have been blessed with warm weather and seemingly endless sunshine, it can almost seem as tough we are on an enforced holiday. So take advantage of this and open the windows or step outside onto the grass, grab a glass with an ice cube some Campari and tonic or why not an Aperol Spritz? I think again it’s is about the comfort and familiarity of a routine when everything else feels uncertain. To finish the assignments or tasks of the day, and drawing the line between work and leisure time. I love to go for an afternoon run, have a hot shower or bath, and then get ready to have a drink before supper. To dress up a little, even if just for yourself, makes each evening feel a little more special. A pair of earrings, painted nails or even just your best dressing gown and newly washed hair; whatever it takes for you to feel good. Sit in solitude and watch whatever goes on outside your window, or grab your phone and cheers with friends or family on Houseparty.