Five Favourite Things with Anne-Estelle Lenoble, PR Manager at Lalique

In this series we ask a creative from different fields to choose five of their favourite things (cue Sound of Music tune). These are items that could have inspired their work or given meaning to their life in some way. Objects that represent a moment in time, or that forms part of journey leading to where they are now. The objects we cherish often carry energy such as love, joy and hope, and can evoke memories as well as those emotions when we think of them. The idea is to tell short stories through objects, and that with just five items you can take part in someone else journey and get to know them a little.

First out is Anne-Estelle Lenoble, PR Manager at Lalique, historic French crystal-maker, founded by renowned glassmaker and jeweller René Lalique, in 1888. Having studied Fine and Decorative Art and Design at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London, as well as Art Law at Université Panthéon-Assas, she has lived in all corners of the world including Houston Texas, Nigeria, Switzerland, Shanghai, and London before settling in Paris. Anne-Estelle lives in the 9th arrondissement with her boyfriend, Clément, and their pet bunny Jacques-Henri. 

Follow her @anneestelleheloise

Anne-Estelle in her Paris apartment, in front of artwork by Faye Wei Wei

Anne-Estelle in her Paris apartment, in front of artwork by Faye Wei Wei

During the one daily walk in Paris during confinement

During the one daily walk in Paris during confinement

Hand Embroidered Jacket

I got this jacket at the Puces de St. Ouen, which is a famous flea market on the outskirts of Paris, which exists since 1885. In recent years the stalls have become much more curated and the “brocanteurs” have become much wiser about what they are selling. Funnily enough however, I found this jacket in a stall that had no other fashion in it. It was just hanging there in the middle of old furniture and other miscellaneous objects. It is handwoven and has incredible detailing. This is one of my favorite jackets that I wear all the time. You can’t help but feel cool when you wear a piece like this!

Wearing vintage jacket found at St Ouen

Wearing vintage jacket found at St Ouen

One corner of the Puces de St. Ouen flea market

One corner of the Puces de St. Ouen flea market


Chris Orr Engraving

This is the first piece of art I ever bought! I discovered the artist’s work during the Summer Show at the Royal Academy in London in 2014, and I just loved it. It reminded me of Bruegel or Hogarth, full of satire and whimsy. Chris Orr is a wonderful print-maker, who taught at the Royal College of Art, and whose work is in many public collections, including The British Museum, National Portrait Gallery, Tate Britain, and The Victoria and Albert Museum. I went to meet the artist in his studio in Battersea to discover more of his work and fell even more in love! Each piece is inspired by a historical event. In this case, it is a scene depicting London before the Great Fire. I love this style of art, which the Italians call “horror vacui” (fear of the void), because every time you look at the work you discover something new. This piece now hangs in my bedroom in Paris ☺️

Artwork by Chris Orr

Artwork by Chris Orr


Vintage Record Player 

Several years ago, I went and picked out this record player with my mom in a tiny antique store called Paléophonies, in the 5e arrondissement of Paris. The store is dedicated to all things sound: vintage record players, phonographs, radios, etc… This is one of the best parts of living in Paris, in that you can find hidden gems like this shop. I of course now practically only listen to music on my record player! The sound is so much better and I love the process of picking out a record. My boyfriend and I were able to borrow lots of old records from his family so we now have a great collection. Favourites include the Rolling Stones and Édith Piaf. It is also great to play music on a record player during parties because nobody dares try to change the music for fear of breaking it 😉

Vintage ring from the 1950s on Fornasetti glass

Vintage ring from the 1950s on Fornasetti glass

Anne-Estelle next to her record player at her 26th birthday party, which was themed Vinyl

Anne-Estelle next to her record player at her 26th birthday party, which was themed Vinyl

Vintage Ring from the 1950s

This is a ring designed and created by my great aunt from Mississippi, who was a jewellery designer, and who owned a jewellery store with her husband. When they retired, and had to close their store, my aunt asked my Mom to choose something she liked to keep for herself. She chose this ring. When I was looking through my Mom’s old jewellery box recently, she told me to pick something out I liked, and without knowing the story, I also chose this one! This ring is now one of my staples, and I get so many compliments when I wear it. I love the setting and the slightly Art Deco feel.

Bookshelf with Sonia Delaunay and auction house catalogs

Bookshelf with Sonia Delaunay and auction house catalogs

At PAD London 2019

At PAD London 2019


Sonia Delaunay Books

I love my books on Sonia Delaunay because she is someone who really inspires me. She was a key figure within the avant-garde movement, who translated her artistic theories in so many different ways: whether it was painting, designing clothes, theatre costumes, ceramics, tapestry… for her the sky was the limit! I discovered her work in depth when I decided to write my thesis in part on her during my MA, and I kept all the books I had used because I found her so amazing.  She was fearless in her work, and is the type of woman I admire greatly because of this. Now, whenever I see her paintings in museums I get really excited! They had a retrospective on her work in Paris in 2015 (before I was living here) and I took the train from London to come see it. That is how much I love her!

With Jacques-Henri

With Jacques-Henri


Your Favourite Five Instagram Accounts at the Moment?


This is my favorite account for escapism! It is beautifully curated by Katty Schiebeck, who also runs an interior design studio in Barcelona.

This is a great account for design/interiors inspiration. It derives from its “mother account”, @theacademynewyork, which combines, art, design, fashion, and music. 


This is a really fun account which makes you feel like you are in a Wes Anderson movie. You also get to learn about unique places all around the world.


I’ve just discovered Veronika Heilbrunner, whose style I really love. I think her personal style is a great combination of feminine and masculine. She also doesn’t seem to really follow trends, which I like. 


Chloe Wise is a really cool artist, based in New York. I discovered here work when she had a retrospective at Almine Rech in Paris, in 2017. She does a lot of portraiture, but also sculptural work. She’s fun to follow as she doesn’t take herself too seriously and has great style as well. With her, there is a definite cross-over with the fashion community. One day I would love to own one of her paintings!